June 2022

  • Rare UFO Abductee recalls her experience on video

    Rare UFO Abductee recalls her experience on video

    UFO News: A fully conscious UFO Abductee recalls her experience on the night of January night 1973. Dolly Safran was at the time only fourteen years old and lived close to the Everglades in Florida. Having looked through her window she notice with amazement an excess of fifty star-like objects amassing above. Then these objects… Continue reading

  • Best UFO Sightings Case Reports Ever Video Full Documentary

    Best UFO Sightings Case Reports Ever Video Full Documentary

    NYUFO:  Over the years there have been a surge in reports of UFO Sightings cases. The greatest number being reported by common people everywhere. Furthermore Cell Phones are currently catching many of these bewildering craft. Which what’s more puzzles both the people who accept them as being craft from other dimensions and the individuals who… Continue reading


Believing there are many intentional UFO UAP Sightings forgeries on the internet. Alleged physical evidence such as falling debris from the sky or crashed UFOs has turned out to be terrestrial in nature and forgeries. From mistaken terrestrial phenomena to personal gain to misleading the facts of UFO Sightings. All have contributed to the denial by the majority of the general public and the mainstream media. Always use your own judgement and question everything.


UFO,UFOs,UFO News,UFO Photos,UFO Videos,UFO Disclosure,NASA on UFO Study,UAPNews,NYUFO,

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